Jess's 5th Birthday Party + Hyde park festival
As you have probably guessed from the title this is a very personal post, in a sense that it makes me very nostalgic to be young and carefree again (Ha!). This is going to be a very picture heavy post I just wanted to go over the last couple of days I spent in London with my sister and Nieces, my internship and also my day out with Lorna to watch Backstreet boys and Mcbusted in Hyde Park.
I'll talk about my internship last as I have no new photographs from it (whats new?) and also I'm eager to share my photographs from Jess's, or should I say Elsa's 5th Birthday party. It was on the saturday but her actual birthday was on the 8th which was the following week but it was easier to have a party at the weekend so basically, Jess was lucky enough to have a whole weekend birthday! I helped with the kids as we walked around the aquarium, and then they all sat down for a meal and had a disco...those were the days. I then proceeded to take photographs of the night, and also laugh at Jessica dancing around like a princess throughout the majority of the disco not talking to anyone. I don't usually photograph kids unless it's my nieces or nephew and usually they will keep still for me, unfortunately at the party what happened was the opposite, rarely would they keep still for a photograph so it was challenging with the dim lighting in the room! But I really love these photographs, I think Jess and Katie look absolutely beautiful...but that could be me being soppy 'Aunty Dora'.

It was a good night after that, from what I remember we ordered Chinese food and then was too tired to do anything else so I went to bed.
Hyde Park Festival
So, thanks to my amazing boyfriend I was able to have a break from all the stress of the week and go to Hyde Park to listen to the boy bands from my childhood and reminisce with Lorna. We did take a lot of photographs, well Lorna did, along with a lot of embarrassing videos of us dancing...they were all on Lorna's phone as I didn't bring my camera and I'm glad I didn't as it started heavily raining at one point and it would have gotten soaked in my canvas bag! We got tipsy off two beers, danced and sang to old songs from our childhood, ate churro's and chocolate and got soaking wet. It was a well needed treat, and was so fun! Anyway here's a few photographs from it:

(My favourite picture of Lorna ever hahahah)

So I finished my internship and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience! I do have a bit of a problem with anxiety and sometimes it stops me from saying yes to doing things that could change my life, I try not to make it an issue or talk about it too much but I definitely know that it has stopped me saying things or doing things that I wanted to. Another aspect of anxiety is overthinking...and it is such a downer, I was super nervous to go to London and while I was there I was struggling with it, which is why I had to go stay with my sister. If I've learnt anything it's that I need to start having a bit more confidence in myself, and saying yes to more things that scare me because most of the time it never turns out as bad as you think it will. This definitely applies to the internship, as I was quite anxious to start, but as soon as I did I felt at home and enjoyed every second of it (except for the travelling). It's made me want to work with more professional models, and visit London more, and I haven't yet been put off living in London in fact I didn't even think about it while I was up there as I was so busy all the time.
one tip: always try and do things that scare you.
Laura x
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