I decided I'd do a lifestyle post on a couple of days, because I've been super bored lately with my parents being in Canada and me left house sitting, that now they're back and a couple of my friends are back there are more things to do!
So here's a few photomahgraphs from the past couple of days:
I decided I wanted to photograph something and because my gardens a bit messy at the moment because of the extension we are building on the house I only had flowers to photograph which got a bit boring after a while.
When my parents arrived back from Canada!
I spent quite a lot of the first day on my computer blogging or sorting out photographs to email, but also I was sorting out my student finance which is the biggest pain in the bum ever!
So the next couple of days consisted of bbq's, drinking, and eating. On the second day I went to meet a friend of mine in the park and we had a quick catch up, but because my dad was borrowing my car for a couple of days I had to rely on my mum for a lift in and out of town, so I had to go when she was going. I then went for lunch with my mum and we decided that we would have a BBQ for dinner, so we went food shopping, and spent way too much on food and drink and plastic cocktail glasses ha! We both then went to the gym for an hour and when we got home a couple of hours later we started bbqing. The food was amazing, and I tried pomegranate seeds on salad for the first time and it's soooo nice.
waiting for Woolley cause his car windows wouldn't go up!

the cocktail concoction that I came up with, using vodka, orange juice and the grenadine, I made it mixing the vodka and orange juice over ice and then adding the grenadine afterwards which sank to the bottom because it is a heavier syrup.
all the yummy food and my yummy leftovers that you totally wanted to see...
an ideal place to hand a handbag.

our cute wood-burner that only cost 50 quid from a car boot sale, it spreads heat so much as well so it's perfect for when you want to drink on the decking at night time.
We then proceeded to have another BBQ the next day with my mum, dad and boyfriend and then spent the rest of the night in the pub, but i wasn't allowed to drink because I foolishly agreed to drive, boo.
I hope everyone enjoyed the sun before the thunderstorms this weekend!
Laura x
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