I think i've lost count of the amount of times i've tried to start a blog and failed, literally just a couple of days ago I attempted to start a completely different blog and after the first post, I posted absolutely nothing more and had no desire to.

So what makes this one different? Well probably nothing...but i'm going to try to make it work, i'm simply not putting a label on what type of blog it is, then i'm not limited to the content I can put on here however, I am a photographer so the majority of posts will probably include photographs. The main reason for starting this blog now is because in two days I will be moving to London for a week or two to do an internship and I guess I was inspired to create a blog and write about it. Now, on saying this it does not mean this blog is especially for that purpose but it will be a platform in which i will post a bit about it.

I guess I could vaguely say that this blog will include lifestyle posts (so practically anything), photography posts and my internship diary but then again you never know, come tomorrow I could of completely forgotten about this blog, and rediscover the embarrassing first post a year on when I have the urge to 'start a blog' again.

Jokes aside, I hope I actually continue this blog, and future Laura if you're reading this a year on and you actually are still using this blog then kudos.

If not then soz...

What a terribly pessimistic introduction, I apologise!



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